They like to keep close to cover and can be found in woodland, farmland edges, parks and gardens.
The dunnock (Prunella modularis) is a small brown bird often confused with a sparrow. They are frequently overlooked because they are so understated. Even their common name comes from dun, meaning dingy brown or dark-coloured! The Dunnock is a relatively common garden bird although its numbers have gone down in recent years. It’s hard to tell the males and females apart because they look similar. Although they are shy and understated their lives are far from boring! Once mated the females will often court other males so making sure that she has two males supplying her and her chicks with food, while in the south of England, dunnocks are the preferred host for cuckoos and end up bringing up the cuckoo chicks! They eat insects, spiders, worms and seeds.
Tweet of the Day
To hear the dunnock’s song follow the link below to the BBC’s Tweet of the Day