Plants to look for in June — Foxglove


Where to look

Woodland clearings, heaths and banks


The dark pink ‘splodges’ on foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) are not there just for decoration but are believed to be ‘nectar guides’ which direct insects towards the nectar at the base of the flower. They act a bit like lights along a runway guiding the pollinators in! The main pollinators of foxgloves are bumble bees and the entrance to the flower has guard hairs which are believed to deter other smaller insects from crawling into the flower. The hairs may also offer some support to the bumble bee as it tries to make its way up the flower. 
Once the flower has been pollinated, lots of small, light seeds are produced. They are so light that they are easily carried by the wind and can even float on water. As a result, they are really good at spreading (dispersing) their seed, allowing them to  quickly take over areas where the land has recently been cleared. For this reason they are known as pioneer species. They also contain a substance which is used to stimulate the heart. For this reason they should not be eaten and are considered poisonous.

For more information see


“Beautiful Foxgloves spotted by Alfie!”
“I saw this on a walk on Goss Moore. 🌱”
“I saw this on a walk on Goss Moore. 🌱”
“I saw this on a walk on Goss Moore. 🌱”
“We found this in our garden”
“In a garden by me”

Where we've found Foxgloves

Foxglove spottings journal (13 seen)

Last seen Location Spotted by Group Notes
28 May 2024 Stroud Valleys Project
28 Jun 2023 Stroud Valleys Project
1 Jun 2022 Stroud Valleys Project
7 Jul 2021 Stroud Valleys Project
16 Jul 2020 cherington Ella The Weaver's
1 Jul 2020 Stroud Valley Community School
7 Jun 2020 Alfie Ireland Class Beautiful Foxgloves spotted by Alfie!
23 May 2020 Near St Blended I saw this on a walk on Goss Moore. 🌱
23 May 2020 Near St Blended I saw this on a walk on Goss Moore. 🌱
23 May 2020 Near St Blended I saw this on a walk on Goss Moore. 🌱
18 May 2020 Stroud Tamsin Stroud Valleys Project
12 May 2020 Rodborough Ilsr Leafgatherers We found this in our garden
1 May 2020 Dursley Chloe Wild group In a garden by me


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Registered number: 2224016
Registered charity number: 900107

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  01453 763358
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