Woods, hedgerows, rocks and walls. Very commonly found on tree trunks.
Ivy (Hedera helix) is one of the few native British evergreens. It is a climbing plant with special aerial roots which help it stick to surfaces as it climbs. These aerial roots have hairs with hook-like structures on the end. They grow out from the root into any tiny gaps on the climbing surface, then dry out and scrunch into a spiral-shape that locks the root into place. The plant also makes a glue to anchor it even further. The bond is so strong that it still works even if the plant is dead! Once the ivy is fully grown it stops climbing and puts all its effort into flowering. In autumn, ivy flowers are the most important food source of nectar for honeybees. They are also an important nectar source for wasps, bumblebees, Ivy bees, flies (especially hoverflies) and butterflies, particularly the Red admiral.