Look under logs, in leaf litter, grass and in dung. But some beetles such as ladybirds can be spotted on plants or even in your house!
More than a quarter of all the animals in the world are beetles (Latin name coleoptera), with there being over 4,000 different types of beetle in the UK alone! They come in all shapes, colours and sizes with ladybirds probably being the most familiar of them all. Beetles generally have forewings modified to form protective wing cases (elytra), covering the hind wings (if they have any) used for flight. They usually have biting mouthparts, with sharp mandibles (jaws). Many are predators of other insects or invertebrates (creatures without a backbone); while others are plant-feeders, fungus-feeders, or recycle decaying animal or plant remains, including dung.
Like butterflies and moths, they undergo a complete metamorphosis from a larva to the adult, with four stages in the life cycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The young look nothing like the adults.