To see one, look on commons, heathland, woodland clearings, waste ground and moorland, although they do occasionally visit gardens. They do well in warm, dry conditions.
The small copper (Lycaena phlaeas)is still a widespread butterfly but is experiencing a long-term drop in numbers. The first adults generally emerge in May, with the last adults seen around the middle of October, so they will need to be spotted early on this month!
Males are territorial (sticking to one particular place, which they defend), often choosing a piece of bare ground or a stone on which to ‘perch’ and wait for passing females. They behave aggressively towards other butterflies and even other passing insects. With other male Small coppers, this behaviour mainly involves the two butterflies circling or hovering near each other for a time before one male ‘gives up’ and is chased from the site with the winner returning to the perch.
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